While UNIX is copyrighted, Linux can be considered a “UNIX clone,” according to CyberCiti.biz. Furthermore, TechWorm.net notes that “While Linux is an open source, free to use operating system widely used for computer hardware and software, game development, tablet PCS, mainframes, Unix is a proprietary operating system commonly used in internet servers, workstations and PCs by Solaris, Intel, HP etc.”
When considering network engineers for the purposes of occupational classification and salary, the Bureau of Labor Statistics lumps network architects and network engineers in the same job category.
The hourly mean wage of a network engineer was $50.12, or $104,240, according to the BLS, as of May 2016. The average annual salary was $104,240. Those earning in the 50th percentile made $48.66 per hour, on average, and $101,210 per year. Those earning in the lowest 10th percentile made an average of $26.74 per hour, or $55,610 per year. The 90th percentile made $76.25 per hour, on average, or $158,590 per year.
Salary by Industry
If you want to earn the highest possible salary for network engineers, consider working in the Specialized Design Services industry, where the average hourly salary was $84.57, or $175,900 per year. Next, consider the Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing industry, where the hourly wage was $68.14, or $141,740 per year. Next, in third place was the Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing Industry, where the hourly average wage was $61.81, or $128,570 per year.
Salary by State
Move to California if you want to earn the highest salary in any state for network engineers. There, the salary was $60.26 per hour, on average, or $125,340 per year. Oregon network engineers could earn an average of $58.29 per hour, or $121,250 per year. New Jersey was in third place at $57.77 per hour, on average, or $120,150 per year. Check out Delaware as well, where the average mean hourly wage was $57.44, or $119,480 per year. Massachusetts wasn’t far behind with an average hourly wage of $56.33, or $117,160 per year.
Salary by Metro Area
Again, California is the best place to be if you want to live in high-paying metro areas. First, Santa Maria- Santa Barbara offered an hourly mean wage of $66.95, or $139,250 per year. Next, San Francisco-Redwood City-South San Francisco paid an hourly mean wage of $66.68, or $138,690 per year. In third place was San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara at $66.60 per hour, on average, or $138,540 per year, while San Rafael came in close behind at $66.20 per hour, or $137,700 per year. Santa Rosa offered an average hourly wage of $64.42 per hour, or $133,990 per year.
Salary by Non-Metro Area
If big city life isn’t your thing, head to the northern Pennsylvania non-metro area, the highest-paying non-metro area in the country for network engineers at $47.14 per hour, on average, or $98,060 per year. If you prefer even colder weather, go to the northwestern Minnesota non-metro area that had an average hourly wage of $45.57, or $94,790 per hour. The Balance of the Lower Peninsula in Michigan had an average hourly wage of $44.95, or $93,500. Maybe you prefer the tropics? Relocate to the Hawaii/Kauai non-metro area, where the mean hourly wage was $42.74 per hour, on average, or $88,900 per year. If you prefer somewhere more temperate, the southern Ohio non-metro area paid an average of $42.07 per hour, or $87,510 per year.