Why You Should Consider Contract to Hire Opportunities

If you’re in a permanent position with a company right now or unemployed, you might want to consider making the move to a contract to hire opportunity. There are drawbacks and benefits to the situation, but if it is planned well and there is open communication and expectations on both the part of the organization and the contractor, contract to hire scenarios can be beneficial to both parties.

Why Companies Hire Contractors

Employers want to make sure that their work doesn’t fall behind, that their clients are kept happy, and that their revenues continue to grow. To do that, they may hire contractors who can fill in the gap while they look for a more permanent employee.

Companies also want to work with contractors because it gives them the opportunity see if the fit between contractor and company is right. It also makes the onboarding process of hiring a contractor if the situation works out easier.

Finally, companies don’t typically have to pay for the salary and benefits that they would to a full-time, regular employee. They are thus able to ensure that the money is there for projects by not having to pay the amount a regular employee would cost.

Reasons to Work as a Contractor

Here are some points to consider as you decide whether to become a contractor:

  •       As a contractor, you have flexibility. If you don’t like working for a particular company, you can quit when the contract ends, even if a full-time job offer is made.
  •       You are able to learn about the organization first-hand to see if you would like working with the people there and if you would mesh well with its culture.
  •       Your professional network grows considerably in contract environments because you are working with a variety of organizations. One of these contacts may lead to a new job that you really want.
  •       If you want to work for a company, you are essentially getting a trial run as a contractor. You have the opportunity to impress management and co-workers every day.
  •       When you demonstrate your value to a company, you have the ability to negotiate for the salary and benefits you want if you are offered a regular position.
  •       You can fill in gaps in your resume if you work in a contract to hire position. If you’ve been looking for a job for a while, such a position can increase your confidence and teach you new skills. You can list your new accomplishments and experiences on your resume, and that can potentially help you get a new job that you want.
  •       Some staffing firms offer benefits, so if you are able to work with one that keeps you busy, you might be able to get benefits like you would at a regular job. If you work on a contract and/or benefits are not in the picture, you might be able to get a higher hourly rate than you would as a regular employee since purchasing insurance on your own can be expensive.

In any contract to hire scenario, set out your expectations for the contract. Ask about things like payment for overtime, travel, and access to the system. See if the company is stable and whether the job and culture of the organization match your skills and professional goals. When communication about the contract dates, salary, and other details is clear, an opportunity to work contract to hire is likely a good one.



